New! You can now see a detailed overview of all Bright tools at our dedicated RDI hub: rdi.bright-research.com The Bright RDI department was established in 2018. The unique blend of Market Research specialists, programmers, statisticians, and mathematicians established clear MVP and product scale processes. As a result, for less than two years the department has developed several innovative MR products you can see below. The team capabilities enable the provision of specific technical services in the following Market Research areas:
  • Process Automation;
  • Building solutions on top of various platforms;
  • API integrations;
  • Data processing pipelines, etc.
Our software solutions are:

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Below you will find our standard format for proposals. Please fill out the form and we will send you an answer shortly. You may also write us directly at proposal@bright-research.com
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Data Analysis details
Data ExportMaxDiff/Conjoint analysisCross TabulationOpen-End CodingMaxDiff/Conjoint row dataOther
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