If you have multi-lingual survey and you do not want to manage the translation in all these languages we can do it for you. We work only with trusted sources of native speaking translators to ensure prompt and quality result.

Over 9 years of experience in survey programming for clients from all continents means we can manage reliably rush programming for survey models such as:
- Ad hoc – from the very easy to the most complex ones;
- Pre and post testing;
- New product and brand/concept testing;
- Satisfaction survey;
- Name test;
- Tracking.
We have successfully managed multi-country, multi-lingual surveys of all these kinds. If you ask we can do the translations for you.
We also have experience with audio, video and image protection as well as with embedding flash functionality.
We also offer CATI programming and management for Bulgaria and Romania.

Conjoint Programming and Analysis
With 10+ years of experience with the Sawtooth conjoint software, we’re confident to provide you with high quality, one-stop solution for your market research needs, no matter if you’re looking for MaxDiff, CBC, or ACBC services.
Why best-worst scaling (MaxDiff)?
- Demonstrates greater discrimination;
- Eliminates scaling bias;
- Allows testing of a larger number of items;
- Provides ratio data and a measure of magnitude.
Why Discrete Choice (CBC)?
- Close to how consumer make decisions to buy a product;
- Able to deal with interactions;
- Optimizes product development;
- Defines and optimizes price strategy and many more.
Why Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint (ACBC)?
- Мore engaging and realistic;
- Мore relevant compared to the traditional static CBC;
- Customized to each respondent;
- Works with a minimum amount of sample, even 10.
Interested to learn how Bright MR could help you with conjoint implementation?
Connect today with our experts at

Quality Control
The variety of quality control methods we use guarantee the best quality that meets the exact survey specifications. We are also specialized in doing QC though all steps of the project
Survey Link QC – Our quality control manager has more than 6 years of experience with all kind of complex programming algorithms and models. We use internal checklist and testing scenarios to ensure the proper work of the survey according to specification.
Interim Data QC and Final Data QC – Our data quality control manager has over 8 years of experience with all kind of exports and programming models. We use check lists and internal templates, which can be customized to client requirements.

Panel Management
We have many years of experience working with the largest sample providers worldwide. We have operational and management skills as well as staff trained to support respondents’ requests of your own sample.
The team has experience with various panel management software functionality and practices which can be very helpful and beneficial for you and your software or sample/panel or both.
Our team is also qualified to manage and support respondent portals.

Fieldwork Management
If you do not have the time to babysit the project fieldwork we can offer you the help of our highly professional and experienced project managers who will:
- monitor quotas;
- communicate with sample providers;
- do data check;
We will be there for you to update and advise you when you need.

Data Analysis
For clients who don’t have sufficient time or resources to manage the survey data we offer data quality checks, data exports and import types such as CSV, SPSS, ASCII, Uncle, Triple-S. We can handle the entire process for you and deliver the data in the desired format to support you getting started more quickly on the analysis.
We have solid experience of over 9 years in online market research with:
- Translation
- Data Quality/Data validation and cleaning
- Coding of Open-Ended Questions
- Data processing: recoding and restructuring, computation of additional variables
- Segmentation
- Weighting
- Tabulation and graphical presentation
Our data analysis manager works directly with the clients on their specific data delivery needs for the project and therefore collaborates closely with the survey programmers from the very start of the project’s life on developing and putting in place strategies to guarantee fulfillment of client’s requirements.

Customer Service
Our team consists of 15 people who are fluent in 90% of the European languages and are ready to support your panelists and help them with any problems that may occur with their accounts or links. We support customers of our partners all over the world.

Software Quality Control
We have years of experience and close work with developers of survey software, helping them in building user friendly environment for survey programming and also testing all their work to ensure perfectly working platform. We have used different types of software, therefore our insight for the developers is not only of what works, but also of what we think would be best for the end user.